Torpedo Below Ground Tanks


Torpedo Tanks are specifically designed to offer below ground water storage for a range of construction applications where longevity is required. With a minimum 50 year design life and with an impressive 2 year warranty, Torpedo is an incredible flexibility water storage solution and it can even be used for chemicals due to its corrosion resistant fibreglass construction. Designed for both standard and pressurised applications, Torpedo is used extensively for firewater and rainwater storage, pressurised rainwater overflow systems, stormwater detention, emergency overflow storage tanks for sewer or stormwater pump stations, pumping and rainwater harvesting, as well as chemical storage.


Torpedo Tanks are popular with architects, consultants and installers because of their practical design and customisable sizing, the cylindrical fibreglass manufacturing process means they can be made in sizes from 1,000 litres to a massive 430,000 litres, in a single tank. Inlets, outlets and manholes can also be custom sized and positioned in any location on along the tank.


Torpedo Tanks have proven themselves to be a highly reliable storage solution across a wide range of applications, all Torpedo Tanks incorporate the follow features:

  • Tanks from 1,000–430,000 Litres
  • Various diameters and dimensions to suit site-specific requirements
  • Prefabricated, light weight design, easy to lift and install
  • Fully engineered construction and suitable for above or below ground installation
  • Minimum 50-year design life
  • Cylindrical fibreglass construction
  • Light weight, yet incredible strong
  • Chemical and corrosion resistant
  • Can be used in trafficable areas
  • Inlets and outlets can be any size in any location to suit your project specific requirements
  • Manholes can be custom sized and positioned in any location along the tank
  • Tanks can be optioned with engineered groundwater anchor kits where the water table is considered high. Consult with your engineer or talk to your AKS representative for more information.
Manufactured from chemical resistant fibreglass, Torpedo Tanks are built in accordance with AS2634-1983 standards, and under ISO 9001 quality certified manufacturing processes. With a minimum 50-year design life span they have be proven in the industry over years of reliable service. AKS also carries ISO certification for 14001 Environmental Management and 45001 for OH&S Management.
A full installation guide with links to a helpful video guide will be provided to you at the time of purchase, or ask your AKS Consultant for an advance copy.
With a completely cylindrical design, Torpedo Tanks are completely open internally with a smooth, non-porous finish. This makes them simple to drain completely and easy to clean. All tanks require routine inspections and maintenance at scheduled intervals to meet standard requirements and ensure there is no sludge buildup. If you opt for a Scheduled Maintenance Plan with AKS, we will manage your inspections and maintenance service requirements ensuring your asset remains in premium operating condition.

When it comes to below ground water storage our Torpedo brand has become synonymous as an industry standard in the Australian building industry. Ideal for a wide range of construction applications where longevity is required, Torpedo Tanks have a minimum 50 year design life, so rugged they can be used even in trafficable areas. Torpedo Tanks are available in a wide range of standard sizes, but can be custom sized specifically for your requirements. Read more